Carrots are an important part of our daily diet. But what minerals do they contain, and does magnesium happen to be one of them?
In fact, carrots do contain some amount of magnesium. According to the National Institute of Health, 100g of Carrots contains 6mg of Magnesium, more than enough to support an adult’s recommended daily intake. Interestingly, while Magnesium can be found in the leaves, stems and root of the Carrot, the root contains the most amount of Magnesium as compared to its other parts.
Whether carrots are consumed as part of our meals or taken as a snack, they definitely serve as great natural sources of magnesium. In fact, when asked about the impact of magnesium-rich foods on health, Dr. Anthony DeFabio, a noted nutritionist from the United States suggests that individuals should “include a wide variety of dairy products, whole grain cereals, and legumes in their diets as good sources of magnesium, as well as dark leafy green vegetables and carrots for added benefit.”
But is there any other way to benefit from consuming carrots containing magnesium? Scientists from around the world have agreed that having enough magnesium in the body helps in the prevention of chronic illnesses like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and helps in calming the brain cells and the nervous system. What’s more, magnesium also helps in muscle relaxation and assists in protecting the walls of the cardiovascular vessels.
The magnesium contained in carrots is also a key factor in the absorption of other essential minerals and vitamins such as zinc, copper, iron, Vitamin K, Vitamin A and E. This is because such nutrients cannot be absorbed properly if there is not enough magnesium present in the body. Similarly, having a diet rich in magnesium also ensures that carbohydrates are metabolized and converted into energy easily, thus aiding in weight loss.
Finally, the consumption of magnesium-rich foods such as carrots will also help to alleviate many common physical issues such as fatigue, headaches, night cramps, PMS, and more.
What is the dietary requirement of magnesium?
YOur daily recommended dietary allowance of magnesium is around 300–420mg depending on age and gender. Adults need approximately 420mg of magnesium per day, while children and teenagers may need up to 320–400mg depending on their age and sex.
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 Edition, only 59.7% of American adults aged 19 years and above consume Magnesium as recommended and this number is considered to be too low.
A magnesium deficiency can have a lot of repercussions on your mental and physical health. Magnesium has a role in over 600 bodily functions, and its absence can result in lethargy, muscle weakness, poor sleep quality and impaired mental health.
Therefore, ensuring adequate magnesium intake is very important in order to live a healthy and balanced life. Since different magnesium-rich foods have a variety of health benefits, incorporating a few of such foods in your diet can be very beneficial.
What other foods contain magnesium?
Apart from Carrots, some other good dietary sources of Magnesium are Spinach, Almonds, Mackerel, Soymilk, Avocados, Broccoli, Bananas, figs, dark chocolate and whole grains such as oats, quinoa and brown rice.
Depending on your dietary preferences and requirements, you can choose to include one or more of these to your daily diet in order to meet all your magnesium needs. Eating a balanced and nutritious meal will help to ensure that you receive all the essential nutrients, including magnesium, in an adequate amount.
For individuals who do not consume enough magnesium through their diet, taking magnesium supplements can be a good alternative. However, it is best to check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking any medication or supplements, as it is important to make sure that you are not consuming too much of any particular nutrient.
What are the potential dangers of consuming too much magnesium?
While consuming limited amounts of magnesium-rich foods can be beneficial, it is important to note that consuming too much magnesium can result in magnesium toxicity. Consuming more than 350 mg of Magnesium per day can result in diarrhea, nausea, and other gastrointestinal problems. High levels of magnesium in the body can also lead to depression, confusion, and even an irregular heartbeat.
It is therefore important to get tested for your magnesium levels, if you feel you are consuming too much, and then regulate it as you deem fit according to your personal medical situation.
What are the best methods to increase magnesium intake?
Consuming smaller, well-balanced meals throughout the day is one of the best ways to make sure one’s magnesium intake is at its optimal level. Additionally, opting for whole grains, legumes and nuts rather than refined carbohydrates is another great way to get your daily recommended allowance of magnesium.
Also, including other magnesium-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables, seafood and harder cheeses can be a great way to incorporate more magnesium into one’s diet. On the whole, a balanced, varied diet is key in obtaining all the essential nutrients, in their proper doses.
Is there any difference between different types of magnesium?
Yes, there is a difference between two different types of Magnesium: elemental magnesium and magnesium compound. Elemental Magnesium is the pure form of Magnesium and is often found in food sources. Magnesium Compound, on the other hand, is a compound containing magnesium and sometimes even other minerals or vitamins.
The most common Magnesium Compound is Magnesium Oxide, which contains between 7% and 20% of elemental Magnesium, depending on the type. In comparison, Magnesium Chloride contains 30% to 70% of elemental Magnesium, while Magnesium Aspartate contains between 36% and 47% of elemental Magnesium.
It is therefore important to take into account this distinction when you look at the labels on supplements and understand which type of magnesium is present.
What is the best way to store carrots containing magnesium?
It is important to store carrots in an airtight container and keep them in the fridge or in a cool, dry place. Carrots do not need to be washed before storing as this will cause them to lose moisture and eventually dry out. Keeping them in a sealed bag or container will help to keep their freshness intact for a longer period of time.
If the carrots are to be consumed raw, then it is best to take them out of the fridge no more than 10-15 minutes before eating. This will ensure that they are crispy and not soggy. For cooked carrots, make sure to cook them in the shortest time possible as this will help to preserve their flavour and retain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium.
Are there other benefits of consuming carrots?
Yes, there are! Apart from magnesium, carrots also contain a variety of other vitamins and minerals such as Potassium, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene, Fiber, and Folate.
Beta-Carotene, for example, is a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals in the body, thus reducing the risk of developing degenerative diseases. Vitamin C helps to boost immunity and helps to reduce the risk of infection. Fiber helps to promote digestion and Folate helps in the development of red blood cells.
All in all, consuming carrots which contain magnesium can be very beneficial for both physical and mental health. Eating carrots as part of your daily diet can help to ensure that
you get all the essential nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy and functioning optimally.